Saturday, September 27, 2014

5 tips for cyber safety

1.  If you are on Facebook, Instagram etc set your profile to closed or private so that people have to send you a request to follow you, so when you have your profile private it is only you that can decide if that person can follow you or see your pictures. 

2. Don't talk to people you don't know. It's not hard for people to give fake information about their selves, so don't meet people you've only talked to online. They could've told you that they are the same age as you, but turn out to be a 43 year old man. 

3.  People can easily steal your information so don't post information about yourself saying where you live, your full name and how old you are. Don’t give out any private information about yourself, your family, friends or other people that you know.

4.  Ask your friends for their permission before uploading and/or tagging a photo of you on their social networking profiles. 

5.  Be responsible.

Keep yourself and others safe.

It’s all about respecting yourself and others.

It’s all about respecting yourself and others. 

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